Monday, November 1, 2010

Oct 1 thru Oct 17, 2010

We wound up staying at the casino for the remainder of our time in the Albuquerque area. The next day we rode the bike into town and saw most of Old Town Albuquerque (I need to establish an abreviation for Albuquerque!). Many shops with their arts & artisans, some old buildings, an old church; many tourists milling about...we stopped for lunch at a nearby Wendy's then rode over to the Balloon Fiesta Visitor Center. We bought tickets for Saturday morning & Thursday evening (includes shuttle bus ride) and after telling the clerk that Thursday is Sue's birthday, he only charged us for 1 set of tickets! From there it was over to the Walmart near our casino for groceries and cheap imitation Albuq. balloon t-shirts, then back home for the night.
After a 3 o'clock false-alarm-clock snafu we got up at 5:30 a.m. then boarded the shuttle bus over to the Balloon Fiesta. Saw an amazing mass ascension including: Darth Vader, cactus, clown, (3) bumblebees, Smoky the Bear, the Wells Fargo stagecoach, duck, rooster, goofy face, heart, kitty cat (may have been "Felix"), many others. Came back home after buying a cheap ballcap, then went over to the casino for dinner. Had a terrific prime rib dinner then went back home; expect storms tomorrow, gusty winds tonight...
Since we don't take much stock in the crazy weather forcasts in this part of the U.S, the next day we left home on the Honda bound for Tinkertown, a little east of Albuq. After a lunch stop at KFC we set out on the shortest route around the mountain. Alas, the short-cut road became a dirt road, so we turned around & took the long way: NM 165 to Tramway Blvd (yes they have a long cable tramway up to the top of the mountain that overlooks Albuq.) to I-40 east to hwy 14 north to NM 536. Tinkertown is a hobby/collection of old nostalgia--turned into a museum of sorts. Well worth the effort to get there; some of the old toys & artifacts really take you back to childhood and they have amazing miniature displays of circusses. We left there & decided (i'll never know why) to stay on 536 to the (dirt) 165--bad idea! Very bad, nasty, potholed, rough winding road that I would hesitate to drive a Jeep on..10 white-knuckled miles later we survived to get back home & watch t.v, as it began to rain. A little later we walked to the casino for play cards, which should get us discounts at the buffet.
Monday we went over to the casino to have a discount lunch buffet with neighboring r.v couple Fred & Delores from Wisconsin. After a long chat-filled lunch Sue & I broke away and spent 2 and 1/2 hours plus $25 in the casino playing video slots. Later we went to a nearby McDonalds for drinks & wifi, before retiring for the evening. Tuesday we went on the Honda exploring toward the Fiesta grounds; observed some balloons landing off-site in fields near the road. Looked for & found a motorhome for sale--too old. Continued into Old Town Albuq. & went over to the New Mexico Museum of Natural Science. Toured the facility then watched movies in the Planetarium--one on telescopes and one on stars in the universe--very cool giant panoramic screen & videos! Came home & later I rode the bicycle over to McD's for wifi, then home for the night.
On Wednesday we didn't do much other than scratching our heads wondering why the batteries weren't charging. Thinking it might be the alternator, I tried to remove it to have it tested but as fate would have it, you have to take the radiator out to get the long bolt of the alternator out. So, I put it all back together and tried some other ideas, leaning toward the many connections that come with having 4 batteries...The next day, Sue's birthday, we went over to the casino to play around a while. Wasn't much winning going on, so Sue moved over to the Texas Tea game, playing and winning steadily for over 3 hours! When time became a concern we left the casino, went home for lunch then got on the bus to the Balloon Fiesta. Saw the chainsaw log-carving event, walked around some exhibits then sat on the chairs we had brought along, eating corndogs while waiting for the "Glow-deo" to start. During this down time we got to meet "Mar" from RV Basics group, who is travelling south for the winter; it's nice to put a face to the person behind the keyboard. Thanks, Mar, for a nice visit! Much to our dismay the event was cancelled due to high winds, but we stayed anyway for the fireworks show due in an hour or so..the fireworks were surprisingly great and afterwards we bussed home, where we enjoyed Sue's birthday cake. Note* since the Glow-deo was cancelled, our tickets would get us into the Fiesta any other day!
Sue's pills ran out the next day, and since the online meds haven't arrived yet, we had to call her doctor in Houston for a refill. We then went to McD's for wifi, then next door to Wally World to pick up the pills. Later we walked to the casino where Sue once again mastered the same Texas Tea machine & I didn't master any machines...later on we got on the shuttle to the Balloon Fiesta, using yesterday's tickets. Got our pictures taken at the interesting Texas on Tour display, used video-enhanced glasses to drive a kayak on a Texas river and after many killer glowing balloons, fireworks and a good funnel cake we took the bus back home. Saturday morning was colder--in the 40's--but warmed nicely to the 70's. After a trip to Mcd's for breakfast & wifi we went back to Sue's casino (she seems to "own" it now). Once again she played the same machine for a long time before finally crapping out; we then had a late lunch/early dinner buffet before going home for the night.
Sunday morning it was cold, in the 40's again. We unhooked the trailer & drove the motorhome to Conoco, where we dumped the tanks & filled the fresh water. I discovered the alternator IS working, just a bad connection somewhere as I had been suspecting. Later we rode the Honda to McD's for wifi (thank you McDonalds) then over to Skip & Marlene's (my brother Keith & his wife Penny's relatives) house to touch base with them, as we don't have their phone number. Alas they weren't home, so I wrote a note & left it at their door...from there we went home for the night. Monday it was cold again. Another day, another problem with the batteries; i'll get to the bottom of this some day...we went to the Post Office for info, but of course they were closed because of Columbus Day. Later we went to the casino again to kill some time & eat lunch at the buffet (it's a wonder we're not 300 lbs apiece). Skip called us in the afternoon to say the package is at the Post Office but it is too late today, so we stayed home for the evening.
Tuesday we packed up our travelling circus & drove thru town to the Post Office. Since the order came in 2 packages, we only got 40% of what we ordered on this shipment; the rest would come sometime later. With time starting to become a factor to our future plans, we decided to leave Albuq. without the other 60% of the meds. Headed east on the I-40 to Tucumcari, NM where we ran out of fuel. My estute calculations did us no good, as the faulty engineering of the fuel tank and filler tube let us down. Had $300 of mechanic work done basically for nothing (but a lesson learned) plus $135 for a wrecker tow. Stayed the night outside the shop, and had dinner across the street at the Pow Wow restaurant on Route 66. On Wednesday after the work was completed on the motorhome we decided to get the right front tire replaced, as it was bubbled & shaking. From there we continued east on the I-40 into Amarillo, Texas, where we stayed the night in a Home Depot parking lot.
The next morning we went on Loop 335 to hwy 1541 south to hwy 207, then on Park Rd 5 into Palo Duro State Park. We drove thru to see the canyon, stopping a couple of times to get out & look. Didn't see the formations we had hoped for--turns out you have to hike several miles through the canyon to see the "good stuff". Went back to Amarillo & stopped at the Big Texan Steakhouse (because you have to). Cool buildings and decor, but not good food. Got back onto the interstate to US 287 south toward Wichita Falls. Arrived at the Walmart off US 281 south of town and were later picked up my cousins Maggie and Linda. We met Maggie's husband Greg and cousin Vincent at a local steakhouse. We had a good dinner and visited a long time (not long enough) trying to fill in the gaps of 30-some-odd years of no contact...afterwards we were brought back to our r.v, where we said our goodbyes.
Friday we left Wichita Falls heading south on US 281. Arrived in Stephenville, Tx. and contacted Aunt Teeny & Uncle Danny, who picked us up after we found parking refuge at a closed-down Piggly Wiggly. Later we all went for a drive thru town and stopped for ice cream & wifi at Mc Donald's. That evening we watched the Texas Rangers play versus the N.Y. Yankees, then my uncle took us back to the r.v. for the night (they offered for us to stay at their house, but we declined). The next morning we left Stephenville on the US 377 north toward Fort Worth, then I-20 east to Dallas. Got on the familiar I-45 to find the Texas State Fair. Found the grounds and after some circling around found an old church to park at (for $20, the others wanted $45). Entered the fair and saw a dog stunt show, new car exhibits, butterfly garden, Big Tex & rode the Skyway cable car from one end to the other. Also attended a cookbook writer's demo (she gave us samples, which we carried home) and (had to!) eat some fried butter, which was pretty good. Satisfied, we left the park & drove to the Flying J, I-45 at I-20, to park for the night.
ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 17TH, THE LAST DAY OF OUR TRIP we left Dallas heading south on I-45 toward Houston. Stopped in Madisonville at McD's, but no wifi there. After fueling up (for the last time?) we drove down to the rest area near Huntsville, but no good connection (par for the course). Continued into Houston and found parking readily availible in a vacant lot behind Discount Tire, behind Almeda Mall. NOT A WALMART...