Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14, 2010--Long Post

Greetings from Colorado! So far we haven't been disappointed in this beautiful state. So, after a quazi-lost trip thru downtown Denver (we wanted to see Coors Field & Mile High Stadium) we got on the I-25 south toward Colorado Springs. Upon arrival we drove thru the Garden of the Gods, a red rock geological spectacle which has alot of rocks, boulders & other features which the public can hike, bike, climb, photograph, etc. After lunch we drove on to Manitou Springs, had difficulty finding parking but the attendants hooked us up close to the train depot to Pike's Peak! Bought the 1st tix available so had to wait 'til 4pm for the train..the long, slow ride up the mountains was nothing short of breathtaking (literally-it's difficult breathing up there). Saw some waterfalls, old structures, wildlife (marmots, ravens), killer view of the lakes, forest, plains, mntns & tiny towns below..
At the summit (14,105 ft--ouch) we got off the train & walked around what seemed to be the top of the Earth or a view from near-Earth orbit! The air is really thin up there & we were feeling woozy--not sick but just 'loopy'. On the trip down we passed the time by talking to a nice couple from Texas..
Later that evening after almost hitting a stupid motorcyclist we had dinner at Rudy's BBQ then tried to park for the night at Walmart, but security ran us off (1st time that's happened) so we went next door to park alongside the Office Depot.
Tues we got on the 24 west to Canon City (pronounced canyon) then over to Royal Gorge Park. Thought we'd have to choose which activities to do (or could afford) but turns out they have a day pass for only $25 which includes all but the crazy bungee thing & horseback ride..the Gorge is a magnificent marvel of nature, and the bridge gives a great view at 1000 ft over the Arkansas River! We rode the Incline Railway--1200 ft almost straight down to the river's edge--saw many kayakers and rafters, one of which spilled 2 passengers including the guide (but got back on). On the other side of the Gorge we got on the Aerial Tramway which carries about 20 people over 2000 feet across without supports (other than the cable). We also walked across the bridge, rode the 2-horse-drawn carriage, saw a gunfight in the street of the old west town, saw "wildlife" aboard the trolley (elk, mntn sheep, BURROS, buffalo including 1 white). Before leaving we got on the little train that goes in a short loop that has fake sights of "yellow stone", "boot hill", "box canyon", 'rattle'snake gulch, etc...all & all one of the best places we've ever spent a day at! From the Royal Gorge we got on the 9 (only paved road to Cripple Creek from here-turned out to have some dirt portions) & drove seemingly forever before getting to Cripple Creek. In town we found a dirt bus lot to park in--we were able to 'pirate' some nearby electricity off the engine heater power sockets..
Forgot to mention last night, I was trying to open a can of biscuits; after pounding on it maybe 10 times it finally popped (exploded) ALL OVER the R.V. in about an 8 ft radial pattern--I salvaged most all the biscuits (it's just sprinkles)!
Wednesday morning a coyote walked up close by, Sue got pix..we travelled the 5 1/2 miles over to Victor to go into the gold mine via a giant truck, however couldn't get tix (capacity-14) & didn't want to wait 6 hrs for the next tour, so we toured the mining museum & panned for gold in their little horse trough--alot of iron pyrite (fool's gold) & a few small gemstones, but little or no gold of any significance. Disappointed, we left Victor on the 67, back thru Manitou Springs to Colo. Springs, onto the interstate back to Cheyenne (temporary 'home')...


  1. You're living the dream life, that's for sure. I don't think we could afford the RV, much less all the other expenses! Really great that you guys are able to do this and having such a good time. This is how life should be! Be careful out there....

  2. Believe me when I say: the RV was cheap, we don't have alot of $$$ & we try to live as frugally as possible; we splurge on the "good stuff"...
    "can't" never could do anything!
    Dr Duke
