Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

Hello all! It's Tuesday April 27 and the days are seemingly racing by...Sue had a mini-yard sale Sunday & sold a few items--only a thousand or so left! I sent out an email to some family & friends with the heads-up and 1st pick of the big-ticket items. Weather permitting on Saturday, Sue will put on a bigger yard sale with signage & such...I went to Dairy Queen, hooked up to wifi and loaded all my websites into favorites...Went to eyedoctor to update my glasses (found out I have the very,very beginning of cataracts)...We packed a TON of stuff into the RV with alot more to go...Sue has 3 more days at Walmart (she's at the end of her rope--can barely muster the energy to go the last days)...Now I'm looking into getting one of those pre-paid phones, probably from Verizon-they have a $100 per year deal...Need to rent a storage soon for my son's things, and find somewhere to park his car for a few weeks...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010

Wow! It's hard to believe, but we're only 21 days from leaving! We are now in full-blown get-ready-to-go-mode..we have alot of work to do, especially selling off our unnecessary stuff. I can tell you it's really tough to work on a project, when you are still working full-time on your "real job"..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 17, 2010

Well now looks like 28 days to go! Finally all systems are 100% thanks to Rick who helped fix the hot water heater (loose wire). Yesterday I arranged for the gas, water, electric, cable & cell phones to be cut off. We will be getting a pay-as-u-go phone to cut costs..next weekend we will be starting up the yard sales-we got lots of stuff to sell! Although my bosses know I'm leaving, my co-workers still do not. Guess that news is coming soon..my friends Tim & Scott Sizemore are talking about a going-away party(yahoo).

April 17, 2010 10:58 AM

April 10, 2010

Hello again!
35 days to go..
Having trouble with the hot water heater, will have to fix or take cold showers! All other systems are functioning properly including my 420 amp hour battery bank. I will need to install the 2 small solar panels either on the roof or on some sort of board/platform that is portable..The BIG SELL-OFF is starting now but the big bang will be towards the end of April..I'm looking for a used trailer; however a new one isn't out of the question. The landlord has been notified, I still have many utilities and such to deal with...

April 10, 2010 11:29 AM

April 4, 2010

42 days to go..
Now that I have cleaned out the RV and installed the battery bank, I will be looking at the loading of some supplies and other items that are "must-have", to get an idea of what we can take and what has to go. As one can imagine, it's a daunting task to shrink a 3 bedroom + garage house down to a 32 ft house on wheels with a trailer...

April 4, 2010 5:33 AM

March 30, 2010

O.K. now hello again,
47 days to go-we will accelerate into full prep mode soon. RV has been serviced, generator removed, state inspected. I have given notice to my bosses and while they are devastated to see me leave, on the other hand they are happy for me that our travel dreams are going to be fulfilled. We are beginning to put certain items up for sale and spreading the word about some big ticket items we will be parting with. Circa April 30th we will start aggressively selling 90% of our household items; Greensheet ads forthcoming.
Today I will be working on a thorough cleaning in the RV and retrofitting the genny compartment for a series of 6 volt batteries, which should give us an extra 400 amp-hours of reserve power. Once the unit is cleaned we will start placing some key items inside as that will begin to give us an idea of the practical capacity inside our future home...

March 30, 2010 6:28 AM