Tuesday, April 20, 2010

March 30, 2010

O.K. now hello again,
47 days to go-we will accelerate into full prep mode soon. RV has been serviced, generator removed, state inspected. I have given notice to my bosses and while they are devastated to see me leave, on the other hand they are happy for me that our travel dreams are going to be fulfilled. We are beginning to put certain items up for sale and spreading the word about some big ticket items we will be parting with. Circa April 30th we will start aggressively selling 90% of our household items; Greensheet ads forthcoming.
Today I will be working on a thorough cleaning in the RV and retrofitting the genny compartment for a series of 6 volt batteries, which should give us an extra 400 amp-hours of reserve power. Once the unit is cleaned we will start placing some key items inside as that will begin to give us an idea of the practical capacity inside our future home...

March 30, 2010 6:28 AM

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