Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

Hello all! It's Tuesday April 27 and the days are seemingly racing by...Sue had a mini-yard sale Sunday & sold a few items--only a thousand or so left! I sent out an email to some family & friends with the heads-up and 1st pick of the big-ticket items. Weather permitting on Saturday, Sue will put on a bigger yard sale with signage & such...I went to Dairy Queen, hooked up to wifi and loaded all my websites into favorites...Went to eyedoctor to update my glasses (found out I have the very,very beginning of cataracts)...We packed a TON of stuff into the RV with alot more to go...Sue has 3 more days at Walmart (she's at the end of her rope--can barely muster the energy to go the last days)...Now I'm looking into getting one of those pre-paid phones, probably from Verizon-they have a $100 per year deal...Need to rent a storage soon for my son's things, and find somewhere to park his car for a few weeks...

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