Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010

Hello to all!
It's getting serious, I want to tell ya! With only 8 full days to go until we take off, there is still much work to be done. Most of that work involves selling off the rest of our stuff, which is difficult when it seems like I'm always at work...We have packed alot of items into the RV but there are many items still to go...My boss will announce to the rest of the employees on Monday that I'll be leaving...One remaining chore will be to move the Explorer along with the rest of my son's belongings to my step-daughter's house...We will probably move in to the RV on Tuesday, as a test run and loading exercise...Although we planned to go towards Ohio at first, now we are somewhat undecided which way we want to start out; might go northward through Amarillo...

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