Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010

Greetings from Leesburg, Ohio!
Although I have to report, we almost didn't make it here, or anywhere! Yesterday (Fri) we were at Kincade State Park in northern Kentucky. Sue was coming back from an ice cream run on her scooter when a wicked thunderstorm blew up quickly (a microburst) only lasting a minute or two but it knocked over a bunch of trees--including one onto our motorhome & trailer!! We were standing outside in the storm's chaos trying to park & cover up the scooter when the tree fell over onto the top of the RV. Fortunately we weren't hurt at all, but our house on wheels got beat up on top--a gaping hole in the roof & broken ac cover. Also damaged was the right side mirror on the Honda. Thanks to the quick and organized response of the county emergency people the tree was removed from atop our house and others from the road and one other from some tenter's canopy..They removed our tree so fast that we didn't make the video for the news the next morning; they did show the drunk guy's camp, which wasn't even affected by the storm (LOL)..Thanks a million to Vicky's hubby Daniel, who helped me make the repairs today using some items he had around his home (plus my duct tape). Looks like after a few days here we will take off westward toward IN, IL & WS..
Thanks to ALL our friends who want to keep up with our travels! I promise to try to do a better job of blogging & facebooking, it's just difficult getting a free internet connection (McD's , Starbucks, DQ, etc.) We will put up some pics soon.
Dr Duke
Leesburg, OH (e.s.e of Cincy)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010

Hi there!
Sorry for the gap in communication, I have had difficulty getting wifi, and making it work! We are in our 4th day around the Great Smoky Mntns National Forest. Sue and I have been staying in & around Pigeon Forge, TN. This place reminds me of Branson, MO. There is much to do & see, but the coup de grace is definately the Smokies! It's a must-see and a must-ride on a motorcycle..Today we're heading thru Knoxville into Kentucky, where we hope to spend a few days in some remote locations..
Happy Holiday weekend to everyone, I hope to give more regular updates.
Scott, your brother is the one who brought up the idea of going-away-party, but we got REALLY BUSY there at the end before we left, and didn't hear from Tim & Sam again..Y'all be good, we'll see ya hopefully in November.
Your friend,
Rob (Dr Duke)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 16, 2010

This is the day we have been waiting for! After an endless amount of hard work including packing, yard sales, planning, last days at my former job & saying goodbyes to friends & family we are taking off today Sunday May 16th around 2:45 pm. We're leaving so late in the day because we have to clean up the house and meet the landlord to secure our deposit. We have a free hotel night at Isle of Capri Lake Charles so we won't have to rough it just yet...tomorrow we will get to Biloxi, MS to stay a couple of nights...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010

Hello to all!
It's getting serious, I want to tell ya! With only 8 full days to go until we take off, there is still much work to be done. Most of that work involves selling off the rest of our stuff, which is difficult when it seems like I'm always at work...We have packed alot of items into the RV but there are many items still to go...My boss will announce to the rest of the employees on Monday that I'll be leaving...One remaining chore will be to move the Explorer along with the rest of my son's belongings to my step-daughter's house...We will probably move in to the RV on Tuesday, as a test run and loading exercise...Although we planned to go towards Ohio at first, now we are somewhat undecided which way we want to start out; might go northward through Amarillo...